Ker, Anthony - Nijman, Brian
18 Sep 2007 , Wellington Chess Club Championships, 0:1
1. e2-e4 e7-e6 2. d2-d4 d7-d5 3. e4-e5 c7-c5 4. c2-c3 Nb8-c6 5. Ng1-f3 Ng8-e7 6. Nb1-a3 c5xd4 7. c3xd4 Ne7-f5 8. Na3-c2 Qd8-b6 9. Bf1-e2 Bf8-e7 10. h2-h4 h7-h5 11. b2-b3 Bc8-d7 12. Bc1-b2 Nc6-b4 13. Nc2xb4 Qb6xb4 14. Ke1-f1 Bd7-b5 15. Ra1-c1 Ke8-d7
[15... O-O!? 16. Bb2-c3 Bb5xe2 17. Qd1xe2 Qb4-a3 18. Rc1-c2 Ra8-c8 Black has an edge]
White to Move
16. Bb2-c3 Bb5xe2 17. Qd1xe2 Qb4-b6 =/+ 18. g2-g3 Be7-a3?
[18... Ra8-c8 19. Kf1-g2 Rc8-c6 20. Bc3-b2 Rh8-c8 =/+]
19. Bc3-b2 Ba3xb2 20. Qe2xb2= Ra8-c8 21. Kf1-g2 Qb6-a6 22. Qb2-d2 b7-b6?!
[22... Qa6-a3]
23. Nf3-g5 f7-f6 24. e5xf6 g7xf6 25. Ng5-h3 Rc8xc1?!
[better is 25... Qa6-a5 26. Qd2-d3 White has an edge]
26. Rh1xc1 Rh8-c8
[better is 26... Rh8-g8 27. Kg2-h2 Rg8-c8 28. Rc1xc8 (28. Nh3-f4? Rc8xc1 29. Qd2xc1 Qa6xa2 gives Black the edge) 28... Qa6xc8 29. Nh3-f4 Qc8-e8 30. Qd2-d1 advantage to White]
27. Rc1-e1?
[27. Nh3-f4 Rc8xc1 28. Qd2xc1 Nf5xd4 (28... Qa6xa2 29. Nf4xh5 Nf5xd4 30. Nh5xf6 Kd7-d6 31. Qc1-f4 e6-e5 32. Qf4-g4 Nd4-e6 33. h4-h5+/-) 29. Nf4xh5 Qa6-e2 30. Nh5xf6 Kd7-e7 31. Qc1-f4 advantage to White]
27... Rc8-g8
[27... Qa6-a5?! 28. b3-b4 Qa5-a4 29. Nh3-f4 Rc8-c2 30. Qd2-d3 Qa4xa2 31. Qd3-b5 Rc2-c6 32. Nf4xh5 Nf5xd4 33. Nh5xf6 Kd7-c8 34. Qb5-d3 advantage to White]
28. Kg2-h2?!
[28. Nh3-f4! Nf5xh4 29. Kg2-h1 (29. Kg2-h3 Nh4-f3 30. Qd2-e3 Nf3-g5 31. Kh3-g2 Qa6xa2 32. Nf4xh5 Rg8-f8 33. Re1-c1 Ng5-e4 34. Qe3-f4 Rf8-c8 35. Nh5xf6 Ne4xf6 36. Rc1xc8 Kd7xc8 37. Qf4xf6 Kc8-d7 38. g3-g4 Qa2xb3=) 29... Nh4-f3 30. Qd2-e3 Nf3-g5 31. Nf4xe6 Ng5-e4 32. Ne6-f4 Qa6xa2 33. Nf4xd5 (33. Re1-e2=) 33... Rg8-e8=]
28... Qa6-a5! (the only move and a strong one)
White to Move
29. Qd2xa5
[29. b3-b4 Qa5-a3 30. Nh3-f4 Qa3-f3 (30... Nf5xg3?! 31. Qd2-c2 Rg8-g4 32. Qc2-h7 Kd7-c8 33. Nf4-d3! Ng3-e4 34. Qh7xh5 advantage White Rg4xh4!? 35. Qh5xh4 Qa3xd3 36. Qh4-h8 Kc8-b7 37. Re1-c1 Kb7-a6 38. Qh8-c8 Ka6-b5 39. Qc8-d7 Kb5xb4 40. Qd7-e7 Kb4-b5 41. a2-a4! Kb5-a5 42. Qe7xa7 Qd3-a6 43. Qa7xa6 Ka5xa6 44. Rc1-c6 e6-e5 45. f2-f3 Ne4-d2 (45... Ka6-b7 46. Rc6-e6 Ne4-c3 47. d4xe5 f6xe5 48. Re6xe5+/-) 46. Kh2-g3 Nd2-c4 47. Rc6xf6 e5xd4 48. Rf6-f4+/-; 30... Rg8xg3 31. f2xg3 Qa3xg3 32. Kh2-h1 Qg3xh4 33. Kh1-g2 Qh4-g3 34. Kg2-f1 Qg3-f3 35. Kf1-g1 Qf3-g4 36. Kg1-f2 Qg4-g3 37. Kf2-f1 Qg3-f3=) 31. Nf4xe6 (31. Qd2-c2 Nf5xd4 32. Qc2-h7 Kd7-d6 33. Qh7xg8 Qf3xf2=) 31... Nf5xg3 (31... Rg8xg3 32. Ne6-f8 Kd7-d8 33. Nf8-e6=) 32. Ne6-f8!! (only move) Kd7-d8 33. Nf8-e6 Kd8-d7=]
29... b6xa5 (both players are short on time) 30. Nh3-f4 Nf5xd4 31. Re1-d1?
[31. Nf4xh5 Kd7-e7=]
31... Nd4-f3 (advantage to Black) 32. Kh2-h3 Rg8-h8 33. Nf4xd5!? e6xd5 34. Rd1xd5 Kd7-e6 35. Rd5xa5 Rh8-h7 36. b3-b4 Nf3-e5 37. a2-a4?!
[37. Kh3-g2 (Black retains his advantage)]
37... Ne5-d3 38. Ra5-a6 Ke6-f5 39. Ra6-a5 Kf5-e4!?
White to Move
[39... Kf5-g6 (also good)]
40. f2-f3 Ke4-e3-/+
[40... Ke4xf3 41. Ra5-f5 Kf3-e3 42. Rf5xf6 Nd3xb4]
41. Ra5-b5?
[41. Ra5-f5 Ke3-f2 42. Rf5-d5!? (42. g3-g4 Rh7-c7 43. Rf5xf6 Rc7-c1 44. g4xh5 Nd3-e5 45. Kh3-h2 Ne5xf3 46. Kh2-h3 Rc1-c4-/+; 42. Rf5xf6 Rh7-c7 43. g3-g4) 42... Nd3-c1 43. f3-f4 Nc1-e2 44. Rd5-d2 Rh7-g7 45. Kh3-h2 Kf2-e3 46. Rd2-a2 Ne2xg3 47. b4-b5 Ng3-f1 48. Kh2-h1 Rg7-g4-/+]
41... Ke3-f2 42. Rb5-f5
[42. Rb5-d5]
42... Nd3-e5
[42... Kf2-g1! 43. g3-g4 Rh7-e7 44. g4xh5 (44. g4-g5 Re7-e2 45. Rf5xf6 (45. f3-f4 Re2-e3#) 45... Re2-g2 46. g5-g6 Nd3-f2#) 44... Re7-g7]
43. g3-g4
Black to Move
43...Rh7-d7 44. g4xh5 Rd7-d1 45. Rf5xe5 f6xe5 46. Kh3-g4 Rd1-d4 47. Kg4-f5 Rd4xb4 48. Kf5xe5 Kf2xf3 49. Ke5-f6 Rb4xa4 White resigns [0:1]
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