Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome to Capital Chess

I'm Brian Nijman and I live, work and play chess in Wellington, New Zealand. From time-to-time I'll post games, analysis and news, mostly about chess in Wellington.

My playing style is somewhat coffeehouse. My strategic play at times is quite good. I am an A-grade club player with aspirations to improve. I shared first in the 2007 Wellington Chess Club Championships with International Master Russell Dive.

Here is a game you may find interesting:

Turner, Michael - Nijman, Brian

Danish Rapid (Wellington Chess Club, 2006)

1. c2-c4 f7-f5 2. g2-g3 e7-e6 3. Bf1-g2 Ng8-f6 4. Nb1-c3 Bf8-e7 5. Ng1-f3 O-O 6. O-O d7-d6 7. d2-d3 e6-e5 8. e2-e4

[8. Ra1-b1; 8. b2-b4]

8... f5xe4 9. d3xe4 Nb8-c6 10. Qd1-e2?!

[10. h2-h3; 10. Qd1-d3 Qd8-e8]

10... Qd8-e8 11. Bc1-g5?! Qe8-h5 12. Bg5xf6 g7xf6

[12...Be7xf6! 13. Nf3-e1 (13. Nf3-d2; 13. Nc3-d5?! Bc8-g4 14. Qe2-e3 Bf6-d8! 15. Nf3-d2 Nc6-d4 16. f2-f3 Bg4-e6) 13... Bc8-g4 14. f2-f3 Nc6-d4 15. Qe2-d3 Bg4-e6 16. Rf1-f2 c7-c6]

13. Qe2-d3?!

[13. Nc3-d5 Be7-d8 (13... Bc8-g4) 14. Nd5-e3]

13... f6-f5 14. Nc3-d5 Be7-d8 15. Nf3-d2 Nc6-d4 16. f2-f4?!

[16. Nd5-f4!? Qh5-f7]

16... c7-c6

White to move

17. Nd5-c3

[17. Nd5-e3? Nd4-e2 18. Kg1-f2 e5xf4 19. Ne3xf5 (19. Qd3xe2 Qh5xh2! (19... f4xe3 20. Kf2xe3 Qh5xh2-/+) 20. Ne3xf5 Bc8xf5-/+) 19... Bc8xf5 20. Kf2-e1 (20. e4xf5 Bd8-b6 21. Kf2-e1 Ra8-e8 22. Bg2-e4 (22. Nd2-e4 Ne2-d4-/+) 22... Ne2-d4) 20... Bf5-g4 21. Bg2-f3 (21. h2-h3 Ne2xg3!) 21... Ne2xg3! 22. h2xg3 f4xg3 23. Bf3xg4 Qh5xg4 24. Rf1xf8 Kg8xf8-/+]

17... Bd8-b6 18. Kg1-h1 Rf8-f6 19. Ra1-e1?

[19. Nd2-f3 Rf6-h6 and Black has only an initiative]

19... f5xe4 20. Nd2xe4? [diagram]

[20. Nc3xe4 Qh5xh2 (20... Rf6-h6 21. h2-h4 Nd4-f5 with advantage to Black) 21. Kh1xh2 Rf6-h6 22. Bg2-h3 Bc8xh3 23. Qd3-b1 Bh3xf1 24. Kh2-g1 Bf1-h3 25. c4-c5 d6xc5 advantage to Black; 20. Bg2xe4? Rf6-h6 -/+]

Black to move

20... Qh5xh2!-/+ 21. Kh1xh2 Rf6-h6 22. Bg2-h3 Bc8xh3 23. Ne4-f6

[23. Qd3-e3 Bh3xf1 24. Kh2-g1 Nd4-f3 25. Kg1xf1 Rh6-h1;

23. Qd3-b1? Nd4-f3! 24. Rf1xf3 (24. Kh2-h1 Bh3xf1#) 24... Bh3-f1#]

23... Kg8-g7 24. Rf1-f2?

[24. Qd3xh7 Rh6xh7 25. Nf6xh7 Bh3xf1 26. Re1xf1 Ra8-h8-/+]

24... Bh3-f1 [0:1]